Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ways For Coping With Anger

Anger is a real problem in today’s society, and for this reason
it is important that we learn how to cope with anger issues.
Everyone at some time or another in their lives has experienced
anger and perhaps even lashed out in anger.
Anger is a natural emotion, because we all get hurt,
aggravated, insulted, or feel threatened from time to time.
Anger can be your greatest ally or your greatest foe.
For example, if we feel threatened by another person and we
express our anger in a controlled way, the outcome can be
favorable. Conversely, if we get out of control, the situation
can escalate and become worse than it was before.
Having control of our emotions assists us in life by protecting
us and being successful. We are better equipped to handle crisis
situations when they occur, such as a financial predicament or
medical emergency. However, if we allow our anger to get the
better of us, we put our health and well-being at risk.
It is not uncommon for someone to ignore the problem in dealing
with anger. The person might be in denial of any negative
behavior he or she has exhibited. Denial is a big reason why
some people never deal with their problems, or their anger.
Another reason is that acceptance of mental health issues has
never really occurred. Mental health experts often debate over
the pros and cons of diagnosis. They will inform the patient
that diagnosing their condition is only creating a label that
can put the patient into struggle. I disagree with this because
it is important that a person know what is wrong with them
before they can deal with the problem effectively.
Diagnosis can lead to acceptance. Another problem is that a
person is misdiagnosed several times before a professional
finally figures out what the problem really is, which can cause
stress and confusion for the individual. Knowing the origin
often makes it easier to deal with the problem.
Anger is an emotion that has been created by some type of
force, person, or situation. If this problem is allowed to
continue untreated, it only gets worse. A person can only take
so much before they blow their top at some point.
Other problems come from mental health issues, excessive
alcohol consumption, or even drugs. Not everyone with anger
problems has a problem with alcohol and/or drugs, but in some
instances, it is an added problem that requires professional
Similarly, not everyone with mental health issues is an
alcoholic or drug addict, and not everyone with a mental health
issue has anger issues.
The problem then is concealed within the mind. Somewhere in the
lifetime of the person, their emotions were broken up. Somewhere
in the person’s life he or she was not given the tools to deal
with emotions effectively.
Emotions are complicated and they can sap the life from a
person. Therefore, when we know how to cope with our anger and
other emotions, we are on a path to success.
Nothing feels more gratifying than feeling a sense of control
and personal achievement. It is vital to seek help and find
someone that can be trusted, in order to for a person with anger
issues to deal properly with those emotions.
Our behavior and reactions are based on environment, functions,
and attitudes. When we are in an environment that is not good,
then it is time get out of that situation. Bad relationships
limit our growth.
Surrounding yourself with positive people can benefit your
behaviors. Functions are the processes we all deal with daily.
When our body and mind are not performing together in a healthy
way, we are going to lose control.
Our attitudes contribute to anger in that if we are thinking
negatively, negative things will likely happen. Therefore, by
practicing positive thinking, you will improve your life and be
better able to manage your emotions and feelings, including
anger. The best ways for coping with anger depend on the
situation and people involved.


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