Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dealing With Your Anger at Your Man

Let's talk about anger management. If you feel that anger deepdown in you, how do you deal with it? A lot of times you may sitand think about it. What I do to deal with my anger is to sitand think of ways on how to resolve it.
If we are angry at other people, we tend to lash at them rightthere and then, but when we are angry at people close to ourhearts we usually keep silent while thinking how to deal withthe situation. If you are angry at your husband, what do you do?You may talk endlessly without even thinking about the wordsthat come out of your mouth.
If you are used to doing that, you may probably realize by nowthat it didn't do you any good. No conflict was resolved and itprobably made matters worse. If you talk a lot when you'reangry, you tend to say things that you don't really mean, andyou end up hurting him more. Communication experts suggest thatin situations like this you communicate using the “I feel”sentences and not the “you did” sentences.
“I feel so angry” is an example of “I feel” sentences, and onthe other hand an example of a “you did” sentence is “You makeme angry.” See the difference?
So what do you then? Do you do nothing and keep it to yourself?You could find a way to deal with your anger through thefollowing thoughts:
1. Being angry is just a feeling.
You usually get angry when you feel pain. So treat anger as anemotion that you feel to help you deal with your pain. Inessence, anger an emotion that helps you feel better because youhave an avenue to express your feeling.
2. Your anger is yours and it does not belong to someone else,especially to the one that you are angry with.
Let's say that you're angry at your husband. You may think thatyou are angry with him, but the issue could be just because of amemory of your past relationships with men or even with yourparents.
But if you are really angry because of how your husband treatedyou and you got hurt, then don't tolerate it. Deal with it by:
3. Not just venting out your feelings but by sharing it.
You want to feel better, right? That's why you need to sharingyour feelings. Doing so would make you feel closer with yourhusband. You're respecting him enough by telling him about howyou feel instead of attacking him. It's okay to let himunderstand the gravity of your pain, but don't do it like youwould a confrontation.
These may be little ideas that are really simple. But it's thesimple things that grow. Rid yourself of those negative emotionsand you create for yourself more space for love and healing.
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