Once upon a time there was a boy, who had a very bed character. He has insulted everybody, when he was nervous, without thinking of how that affects people that were arround him. He simply couldn’t control nis attitude. His father has noticed that, and decided to stop his son. One day the father gave to his son a bag full with doornails. Than he said to his son: Every time when you lose the control of yourself, nail one doornail in the balustrade. The son decided to listen his father’s advice, and started with nailing doornails in the balustrade. On the first day the boy nailed thirty seven doornails. In the next few months the boy had lerned how to control his anger, and releazed that is easier for him to control himself, than to nail doornails in the balustrade every time when he lose the control of his anger. At least, came the day when the boy didn’t nail a doornail in the balustrade. He went to his father, and told him that, that day he hadn’t lose the control of his character. Then his father gave him an other task, and said him: Every time when you will control your attitude take one nail out the balustrade. The days passed by, and then came the day when the boy told his father that has taked all the nails out the balustrate. The father taked his son by the hand and took his son to the balustrade. The he said to him: You had done the right thing my son, but look all these apertures in the balustrade. The balustrade will never be the same again. When you in anger tell some things, they leave stigmatas like are these apertudes in the balustrade.
You can pierce through a man with a knife and take out the knife. Than you can say a milion times sorry, but it isn’t matter any more , you have already pierce through the man. The aperture stays no matter you have apologized. The verbal cut hurts like the physical cut. The friends are rarely precious stones. They make you smile, make you braver to make success in something, they are always ready to hear you when you are in a difficult situation, they share your paint, have a beautiful word for you and they always have an open heart for you. That’s why you should always take care about your behaviour with your friend and your well-beloved.
The boy was very greatfull to his father, and from that day he took care about the way he behaved with his friends and well-beloved, because he didn’t want to lose any of them because of his stupid behaviour. The first thing he did after that day was to apologize to the ones that he had hurted by can’t controling his anger. He knew that the things are already told and now it’s late to change the already said words, but on some way that will make the things a little easier. Also he promised to himself, and to his well-beloved that never again will hurt the ones who means a lot in his life, by his anger.
Tell this story to all of your well-beloved and friends, and let them know how much they mean to you. Tell your friend and well-beloved that you are happy to have them in your life, that is an honor for you the fact that they exist in your life, no matter why and for how long. The imortant thing is that they exist, now and here. And in the end don’t forget to tell your well-beloved that you are very sorry if you have ever made a apertures in their balustrades.
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