Sunday, January 18, 2009

Let Your Anger Work For You

German theologian Martin Luther once said, “I never work better
than when I am inspired by anger; when I am angry, I can write,
pray, and preach well, for then my whole temperament is
quickened, my understanding sharpened, and all mundane vexations
and temptations depart.”
Anger is powerful stuff, all right!
Think about the last time you got really angry about something.
Didn’t you feel an unequalled strength within yourself?
Weren’t you filled with fire and passion and ready to take
While anger is often used in a destructive way, you can also
learn to use anger to motivate yourself to higher and higher
How do you do this? First, you obviously need to get angry
about the right things, and then you need to direct that anger
in the right direction.
Look at your life the way it is right now. Are you satisfied
with your career path, your financial situation, the state of
your relationships, and the state of your health? If not, get
mad about it! Let yourself get angry about your bad habits,
your tendency to procrastinate, and the many missed
opportunities your behavior has caused. Get mad about your
inability to get and stay motivated long enough to make positive
changes. Get mad about ignoring the problem until it became a
chronic condition!
As Martin Luther described above, let your anger clear all
confusion and mundane thoughts from your mind. Let it focus
your thoughts to a laser point, and then turn that point onto
any situation in your life that displeases you.
Use your anger to propel you into action. Decide that you’re
“mad as hell” and you’re not going to take it any longer! Let
your anger serve as a fire under your rear end to propel you
into doing that which must be done to change your life once and
for all.
Go on a rampage and clear out your bad habits. Eliminate your
unproductive tendencies and replace them with empowering ones.
Evaluate every aspect of your life carefully, and be willing to
let go of anything that isn’t working for you.
If done correctly, this works like a charm.
Once you can reach a point of intolerance about your existing
circumstances, you will find yourself feeling really angry, and
really ready to make changes. THAT is the moment when you hold
a powerful force for change right in the palm of your hand.
Just remember to get angry about the situations and habits that
detract from who you want to be, and be sure to direct your
anger in constructive ways.
You may not be able to change everything overnight, but you can
at least take the first steps today and then keep up with the
process over time. You’ll also probably have to keep rekindling
your anger from time to time because it tends to be short lived,
but this is a good thing because it allows you to use it in a
very precise and focused way.


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