Anger represents a powerful emotion. It can be very destructive for your health and those you love. The erratically anger may lead you to dispute, physical abuse or self-hurting. On the other hand, if you manage how to control your anger it can be a useful emotion and you can use it to make positive changes.
Physical effects
Anger represents the answer to organism for fight. Similar effect can produce and other emotions like fear, sensation etc. What happens to your body then? You body lack then a lot of pressure hormones like adrenalin and cortisone. As result to this, blood moves to muscles like preparation for physical activity. Your heartbeats are increasing, blood pressure is increasing, and the numbers of respirations and body-temperature, skin perspire. Brain become intensive and focused.
Health problems than can evolve as consequence of uncontrolled anger
Constant flooding with fraught chemical material is connected with metabolism breaking which at the end of all it can be very destructive for some systems in our organism. Some of health problems connected with the anger:
• Headache
• Bellyache
• Insomnia
• Tension
• Increased blood pressure
• Problems with skin
• Heart attack
• Apoplexy
Unwanted ways for expressing anger
Many people are expressing their anger to very irresponsible and potentially dangerous way, like:
• Explosive anger – Some people have such a small control and tendencies for erupting. This can lead to physical attack and violence. The person, who doesn’t control his anger, can isolate itself from its family and its friends. Some people who manifest this kind of drive out, actually posses’ small fell for self-respect and they are using their anger to make illusion for feeling powerful.
• Suppressing the anger – Some people think that anger is unwanted emotion and they choose to suppress it. Suppressed anger often evolve to depression and anxious. Some people, their anger are expressing to innocent victims like children’s or pets.
How to express the anger on a healthy way?
These next suggestions can be useful:
• If you feel that you cannot control yourself, temporary leave the situation and wait until you comedown.
• Accept the emotion as a normal part of your life.
• Try to identify the real reasons why you feel angry.
• As one as you identify where is the problem, think about the strategy for solving the situation.
• Do something physically, go out, run or do some exercising.
Longterm menaging with anger condition
The way of expressing anger can be modifite thruthtime.This is a list of suggestions who can help you.
• Think about the technik of selfcontrol and solving conflicts
• Thry the tehnics for relaxation,like yoga and meditation
• Assk help of psihologist,if still filing anger about events happened in the past
• Exercise regularly.It’s proved that regular exercising can inprove the state of mind and to reduse anger.The effect can be double:fisical activitys burned the stressful hemical substance and helps in production of hormones of good mental health.
How to raising kids and mental development of persons who can ménage anger
This is a list of suggestions who can help you:
• Threat the fillings of yoyr kids with respect
• Give him the knowledge for solving anger issues
• Provoke hownest communication
• Explain the difference between anger and aggression
• Punish aggression,but not anger which is adequatelu express
• Give him,your own example.let him knew that the anger is natural,and it must to be expresst
Where to look for an advice
• Your doctor
• Your psihologist
Da se spravis so sopstveniot bes ponekogas e vistinska umetnost, no dali poradi toa za sovet treba da mu se obratis direktno na doktor ili psiholog ? Ponekogas postojat i drugi po alternativni nacini.Za zal kaj nas seuste nema nikakvi centri ili psiholozi i timovi koj dovolno se angaziraat i istrazuvaat okolu ovaa problematika.
ReplyDeleteNatali is the BEST
ReplyDeleteMrazam blogpostovi koi se olku dobri i kratki sto vo nekolku redovi ti kazuvaat se za tebe. Mi go krevaat pritisokot i dobivam glavobolka, i kiselini i drugi gorespomenati simptomi. Grrrrrrrrrrrr.........
ReplyDeleteSo,anger can be percepted from two sides? As good emotion and as a bad one.It is good whenever you use it in a good manner, to release all your extra and unneeded energy, and it is very bad when releasing that energy, you hurt the people around you or yourself.So,as mentioned above,we should use the tactics of managing anger and make us and everybody else feel better.Do you consider yourself as an angry person?
ReplyDeleteAnger what? Ke mi kaze li nekoj so toa znaci?
ReplyDeleteAma na кирилица ako moze!